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Self-driving car-makers could face prison for misleading adverts in UK

The UK's Automated Vehicles Bill would make it a criminal offence for car-makers to use certain marketing terms unless their vehicles are fully self-driving, with a punishment of up to two years in prison and a fine

By Matthew Sparkes

13 November 2023

Some autonomous cars still require attention at the wheel

Aflo Co., Ltd. / Alamy

Automotive bosses could face up to two years in prison for overstating the ability of autonomous cars under new legislation proposed by the UK government last week.

The Automated Vehicles Bill (AVB) is intended to provide a foundation for the regulation and enforcement of autonomous car safety in England, Scotland and Wales. Some small parts of the law would also apply to Northern Ireland.

Provisions in the bill would protect those behind the wheel from blame if the car kills or injures anyone else while in…

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