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Cloud geoengineering could help us avoid major climate tipping points

A model predicts that marine cloud brightening would reduce the risk of some disastrous changes in the climate, but could also have some negative consequences

By Alec Luhn

26 October 2023

We could counteract global warming by increasing the brightness of stratocumulus clouds over the oceans

ISS Expedition 34 Crew/NASA

Spraying seawater into clouds to cool the planet would reduce the chances of reaching most major climate “tipping points”, but would also increase the risk of East Antarctic glacier collapse and a shift in the West African monsoon.

That’s according to a study by Haruki Hirasawa at the University of Victoria, Canada, and his colleagues, which modelled the effects of marine cloud brightening (MCB), a form of geoengineering that has been proposed to counteract global warming.

This would involve spraying seawater…

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